Deck the halls and spread some cheer...even in the bathroom! Don't forget to decorate your bathroom for Christmas too!
The holiday's are a special time of year when there is more gathering and inviting of family and friends for the annual holiday reunion. The bathroom is usually one room that most do not expect to see some holiday cheer; so treat your guests with some bathroom Christmas decor that will surely surprise.
Here is a collection of bathroom decorating ideas we swiped from all the clever Pinners on Pinterest (giving them credit of course :)
Hang festive holiday ornaments from your shower curtain for a fun way to dress up any shower curtain (http://rotatorrod.com/blogs/bathroom-bliss/10795005-changing-seasons-easy-winter-holiday-bathroom-decor).
Have some extra toilet paper rolling around the bathroom? Add a touch of pine for some holiday flare (http://itsy-bits-and-pieces.blogspot.com/2011/12/more-from-2011-bachmans-holiday-ideas.html).
Add some loose ornaments in a clear vase with some lights to add sparkle to any bathroom (http://currystrumpet.blogspot.com/2011/12/all-is-bright.html#more).
We saved the best for last...an ornament chandelier meant for the craftiest of entertainers that are committed to the cause (http://www.popsugar.com/home/DIY-Bubble-Chandelier-8478784).
Have fun entertaining and surprising your guests by taking your decorating commitment to the limits this holiday season!